
Bypass Voltage Inverters (UPSTEL-R UPSU)

5 товаров

UPStel-R uninterruptible power supply units (UPSU) is an inexpensive and efficient solution for uninterruptible power supply with AC voltage 220 V/50 Hz in communication and telecommunications systems controlled by computer equipment, industrial and other equipment at facilities with DC power supply units and backup accumulator batteries. UPStel-R UPSU is intended for mounting into 19” racks.


Key advantages:

  • Microprocessor control Microprocessor control
  • High efficiency High efficiency
  • Ability to work with diesel generator sets Ability to work with diesel generator sets
  • Natural cooling Natural cooling
  • High overload capacity up to 200% High overload capacity up to 200%
  • Remote control and administration Remote control and administration
Key advantages:
Nominal capacity, VA/W:
Input voltage for DC power supply, V:
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Инверторы напряжения с байпасом UPStel-900/24 R
Nominal input voltage for: AC grid / DC source, V 220 / 24
Nominal input current for: AC grid / DC source, A 4,1 / 29,6
Nominal output capacity, W / VA 600/900
Nominal output current, A 2,7
Overall dimensions (WxHxD), mm 133(3U)х436х430
Mass, kg 20
Инверторы напряжения с байпасом UPStel-900/48 R
Nominal input voltage for: AC grid / DC source, V 220 / 48
Nominal input current for: AC grid / DC source, A 4,1 / 13,4
Nominal output capacity, W / VA 600/900
Nominal output current, A 2,7
Overall dimensions (WxHxD), mm 133(3U)х436х430
Mass, kg 20
Инверторы напряжения с байпасом UPStel-900/60 R
Nominal input voltage for: AC grid / DC source, V 220 / 60
Nominal input current for: AC grid / DC source, A 4,1 / 10,7
Nominal output capacity, W / VA 600/900
Nominal output current, A 2,7
Overall dimensions (WxHxD), mm 133(3U)х436х430
Mass, kg 20
Инверторы напряжения с байпасом UPStel-1500/48 R
Nominal input voltage for: AC grid / DC source, V 220 / 48
Nominal input current for: AC grid / DC source, A 6,8 / 22,4
Nominal output capacity, W / VA 1500/1000
Nominal output current, A 4,5
Overall dimensions (WxHxD), mm 133(3U)х436х430
Mass, kg 23
Инверторы напряжения с байпасом UPStel-1500/60 R
Nominal input voltage for: AC grid / DC source, V 220 / 60
Nominal input current for: AC grid / DC source, A 6,8 / 17,9
Nominal output capacity, W / VA 1500/1000
Nominal output current, A 4,5
Overall dimensions (WxHxD), mm 133(3U)х436х430
Mass, kg 23